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The dream of the Earth 


This body of work explores the wonders of landscape, in an observational, romanticised and mystical approach. I am interested in creating landscapes that tell stories (narratives) and remind the viewer of old feelings and memories. In my childhood I used to escape into nature, as it gave me a feeling of freedom.  My connection and perception of the landscape has developed into an appreciation of the natural world around us, I often dream of landscapes and places from my childhood, viewing them in the present with fearful climate changes or natural disasters caused by global warming. The dream of the Earth tells a story of remaining natural beauty and its ability to nourish and spread life.  

Thoughtful selection of the primary colour supports the idea of a limited colour palette to create light quality that is shifted into a variety of depictions of time and space, specifically dark, sinister, and enigmatic atmospheres within landscapes, and the sky.  

Experimental approaches towards painting methods and the use of varying surfaces have found discoveries from through thin layers of paint. I use a painting as if drawing approach as it allows the landscape to appear.  

The way I am visualising landscape is expressed in a painterly idiom of unusual bond and fluency, based on gatherings of my favourite motifs such as the clouds and the horizon, the sun and the moon, the mountains, and the trees. These constitute a system of visible language development around the way that I chose to perceive my environment. 

Recent research is influenced by Suzi Gablik’s book of The Reenchantment of Art, where she describes her hope for a new art, which embodies a new cultural paradigm embracing a revitalised sense of community, an enlarged ecological perspective, and access to mythic and archetypal sources of spiritual life.  

By approaching a microcosm and macrocosm concept of scale in my practice, I am creating a connection between the landscape and the viewer in hope to emphasize the importance of nature and its fragility, and how unique our blue planet is in the observed universe.  

Painting renders the limits of one another and tests the boundary between the world and the images that bring it to us. Seeing and perceiving the landscape as organic nature as well as being aware of post-natural landscapes. 

 © Maria Horvathova 2024

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