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Landscape Narratives-Land and Sky that yet still belongs to us
This body of work explores the wonders of landscapes and the sky, in observational, romanticised and mythical approach, through drawing, painting and narrative experiments. I am interested of bringing together drawing, painting and creative text inspired by Slovak folklore, with narrative equipment such as Carousel Slide Projector. Those media have been historically produced new ways of imagining as they have changed our means of seeing and connecting with. This equipment allows me to develop the compared scale ideas. Drawing and painting render the limits of one another and test the boundary between the world and the images that bring it to us. Seeing and perceiving the landscape as organic nature as well as being aware of post-natural landscape.
Painting emphases its capacity to render human touch, concerned and considerable impact on that which we connect our perception and understanding of the world and landscape narratives, in wisdom of the complexity and dynamic qualities that it holds. My romantic approach towards landscape and sky, can manifest into short text writings that create a sense of views of a space that is not or will not be very soon entirely ours to visit.
The colour palette and the light have shifted into variety depictions of time and space, specific dark and bright, enigmatic landscapes and sky, with brush strokes of pinks, oranges, yellows and blues. Currently I am looking at paint as a material that leads towards new experimental structures, colour palette and surfaces, through making paint shiny, wet, dry, thick and thin, that had explored ways of building up layers on the canvas and wooden boards, that I have developed into responding pieces referencing the 35mm slide frames drawings. Experimentation approach towards painting methods have created sense of serendipity (making discoveries by accidents and wisdom) in my practice, through painting as drawing approach.
The way of visualising landscape found expression in a painterly idiom of unusual bond and fluency, based on a gathering of my favourite motifs such as the clouds and the trees, the sun and the moon, the mountains and the horizon. These constitute a system of visible signs-a language development around the way that I chose to perceive my environment.
By using lenses-based apparatuses such as telescope in my practice, I am approaching microcosm and macrocosm concept of scale by scientific observation, correspondingly within the settled romanticised visual aesthetic. I expanded my interest in scientific observation, that supports philosophical and ecological studies. I am aiming to emphasise the extremely evolved and analysed ways of seeing and perceiving landscapes, that can deal with ecology, global warming and post-natural world.
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