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A journal of wistful astronaut

by Maria Horvathova




Mission-The Promised Land

Searching habitable planets in closest star neighbourhood

Expedition 364


Mission day: SOL 15, Time 11:17

[Pressure-11.28 PSI, Oxygen-20.79%, Temp-21.15C, Log entry-HOR 009, Environment-Luna Spaceship]

I am a biological scientist, with the background of landscape painter and I am going to write for the record.

Today is SOL 15,

Our crew has launched from the Lunar surface. With the advanced technology in the past few decades, humanity has evolved in many ways. First, we get over the human “ego”. Realisation of the scale and values of our existence had a great impact on human thinking and behaviour. For our ancestors, the selfish approach was perhaps a curse that was causing suffering, wars and overall, destruction.


Mission day: SOL 21, Time 06:53

[Pressure-12.48 PSI, Oxygen-21.39%, Temp-19.35C, Log entry-HOR 009, Environment- Luna Spaceship]

I record SOL 21 today,

Our crew is reaching out of our Moon’s orbit. We are making a journey to the Mars, where Nasa’s robot machinery prepared a functional safe camp hubs for us. The natural environment of this planet has rapidly changed due to the human advancing technology. By bombarding the Mars poles in 2067, Mars has developed atmosphere with a good percentage of oxygen, and stabilised temperature of around 23C.


Mission day: Sol 47, Time 07:34

[Pressure-12.42 PSI, Oxygen-20.56%, Temp-20.89C, Log entry-HOR 009, Environment-Luna Spaceship, reaching towards Mars]

Today is SOL 47

Our crew has received new data about the mission. We are going to land on the Mars surface, to get data about the Space journey. I am truly excited to observe the new world, terraformed by humanity. The stage of terra-formation has come to the point where nature is wildly spreading across the planet. I tend to romanticise nature and our experience of it, as our home planet’s nature is something so fragile and powerful at the same time. We, as a human race, we always felt an urge to dominate the natural elements. I hope that becoming one with nature, and one within our planet will continue for next centuries.


Mission day: SOL 59, Time 13:56

[Pressure-12.45 PSI, Oxygen-22.55%, Temp-21.65C, Log entry-HOR 009, Environment-Mars HUB, Elysium region]

Is SOL 59 today,

Our crew have landed on Mars, specifically Terra Cimmeria in Elysium region, east-south location of the planet. I must observe the environment, as I have a few days to explore before receiving data.

We are located close to the Eridania Basin, which is now a vast sea, now it holds 10 times more water then waters in Northern America, and it contains a hydro-thermal vents. This is a first location on this planet that, is close to evolve simple living organisms, with hope in the near future will create a simple ecosystem. This region is also one of the oldest features of this planet, it’s soil, with our little help started to obtain nourishing results in a short period of time. The natural environment of this world is progressing well, madly and naturally.

The colours, oh the beautiful colours. I always loved the richness and diversity of the wild nature. Looking at it, feeling it, smelling it and touching it, I realised that I am experiencing nostalgic feelings. I am aware of that our mission expeditions are focusing on the search for Earth-like worlds, but deeply I believe, that there never will be such a unique, rich, life abundant gem as our home planet.


Mission day: SOL 60, Time 08.37

[Pressure-11.34 PSI, Oxygen-22.15%, Temp-21.15C, Log entry-HOR 009, Environment-Mars HUB, Elysium region]

Today is SOL 60,

I am very excited to say that I am going to spend the next few days, by observing, recording and with luck, planting some Earth’s plants and trees. I am in a good mood today. I keep thinking about the Earth’s beauty. Few verses appear in my head, a glance of the verses that I remember from my childhood.


“In the first morning light
If the birds are pulling, where may they be tomorrow
I follow the sound of the wings in the silent bog

Come and fly away
Let the wind carry you

Come and fly as high as you can

Already I feel the wind and make my wings wide

The heavens in you,

how can I know them, and see them ?
We dance on the fly like stars that go their way

Far away from this place
Come and fly as high as you can
Let's hunt the skies”


Mission day: SOL 63, Time 09:33

[Pressure-11.42 PSI, Oxygen-22.35%, Temp-22.45C, Log entry-HOR 009, Environment-Mars HUB, Elysium region]

Today is SOL 63

As I have mentioned earlier in my records, today our crew have received data. Luckily our crew will get to experience most of them. I am excited about promising lands that we are going to visit very soon. The first world that we are looking forward to visit is Proxima-B which is 4 light-years away. Personally, I am very interested and excited about this Exoplanet. This planet is orbiting a Red Dwarf star, called Proxima Centauri, in its habitable zone. This star is attached with a gravity to pair stars Alpha Centauri A and B, what is kind of unique to see in our close star neighbourhood.

Proxima Centauri as a star, has a different light characteristics and density, it gives a good warmth to this planet. Astronomers believe that the nature of this world is dominated by mostly red and green colour palette. I can’t wait to experience the natural beauty of this world.

This planet has also lots of water, considering its 40% bigger than Earth, but this world has a disadvantage of one-year equals to 11 days. Which means that we would age very quickly on this land. As I said, I am excited to experience the natural characteristics of this world. There is also a chance that our crew will get to explore the whole solar system.


Mission day: SOL 72, Time 11:43

[Pressure-12.45 PSI, Oxygen-21.54%, Temp-21.22C, Log entry-HOR 009, Environment-Land Seeker Spaceship, Jupiter orbit]


I record that today is SOL 72,

Feeling an urge to go back to my painting roots. Astronauts tend to document the environment with photography apparatuses; for some reason, I have an urge to draw and paint the beauty that I have experienced recently. All that I can use right now is pencil, coloured pencils or pen on paper. What I am going to do is rare for astronaut, as we are working with exact data and facts. It might be the reason of my urge to romanticise my observations.

(Text was inspired by Science fiction film The Martian 2015, Directed by Ridley Scott)

 © Maria Horvathova 2024

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